A very little key
will open a very
heavy door.


Proceed from your donations will go into the funds for our Elder Care Centre, Family Service Centre and Education projects.

Help is provided within the Many Helping Hands Framework. They are not only provided with guidance on community resources available, counselling is provided in case of emotional issues.


Beneficiaries of Donations

Funds raised will be for community programmes for the elderly, caregivers, families, youth, ex-inmates, mental well-being and the running of Foundation of Rotary Clubs (Singapore) Ltd (FRCS), FRCS Active Ageing Centre (FRCS AAC), FRCS Family Service Centre (FRCS FSC).

Every contribution counts! Through everyone’s effort, we support the community to flourish.


Proceed from your donations will go into the funds for our Elder Care Centre, Family Service Centre and Education projects.

Help is provided within the Many Helping Hands Framework. They are not only provided with guidance on community resources available, counselling is provided in case of emotional issues.


Tax Deduction

Foundation of Rotary Clubs (S) Ltd enjoys an Institution of Public Character (IPC) Status leading to tax-deduction benefit for our donors.
Tax deduction will be available for donations of $10 and above, with effect from 03 October 2023.
Donations are eligible for 250% tax deduction and will automoatically be included in your tax assessment.
All donations made are non-refundable, please confirm your donation before proceeding.
For any enquiries, please call us at 6256 1983 or email to [email protected]

Credit Card

Your Donation


FRCS PayNow QR Code 199300813R
By Cheque


General Donation