Rotary Club of Singapore
The Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) breakdown of the statistics provided by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority showed that in 2020, the number of people aged 60 and older who committed suicide reached a 30 year high despite a 15% reduction in the total number of suicides. Experts point to social isolation as a major contributing factor.
Share-a-Pot brings seniors out of their homes into the community to share a pot of nutritious high protein soup and to engage in physical exercises together as a group, breaking social isolation, building community bond, strengthening physical conditioning and optimal nutrition.
However, the pandemic has put an abrupt stop to the program in the past year, leading to even greater social isolation and consequently negatively impacting mental and physical health. The Rotary Club of Singapore has partnered with Yishun Health’s community health program, Share-a-Pot, as our Major Project for the RY 2021-22. The project seeks to pandemic-proof the program. Called Share-a-Pot @ HOME, this project seeks to bring the program to the beneficiaries to their homes while abiding by safe management measures.
Fundraising was completed within the first six months of the Rotary Year 2021/22. A total of $112522 was collected to convert the existing 32 physical sites into home-based ones. Through our partnership with Foundation of Rotary Clubs Singapore (FRCS), we have applied to the Tote Board for a matching grant under the Government’s Enhanced Fund Raising scheme whereby another 40% will be contributed to the final amount.
In March 2022, a new Rotary Club of Singapore Share-a-pot site was started at the FRCS ElderCare and Caregivers Centre (FRCS ECC). This is currently taking place every Tuesday morning where a group of volunteers are engaging elderly residents in the neighbourhood with nutritious soup, exercise and bonding.
As we emerge from the pandemic, more in-centre activities will begin to take place, keeping the seniors healthy and engaged.
Rtn Dr Chan Siew Luen
Vice President 2021-22 | Chairman, Club Major Project 2021-22
Rotary Club of Singapore